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Getting started

Install it and run the demo app

It works on Linux, Mac and Windows. Python 3.9.2 or higher is required.

pip install "streamsync[ds]"
streamsync hello
  • The first command will install Streamsync using pip and include the optional data science dependencies.
  • The second command will create a demo application in the subfolder "hello" and start Streamsync Builder, the framework's visual editor, which will be accessible via a local URL.

We recommend using a virtual environment.

Create an app

You can use the command streamsync create, which will create a placeholder app in the path provided.

streamsync create [path]

# Creates a new app in folder "testapp"
streamsync create testapp

A Streamsync app is a folder with the following items.

  • The entry point for the app. You can import anything you need from here.
  • ui.json. Contains the UI component declarations. Maintained by Builder, the framework's visual editor.
  • static/. This folder contains frontend-facing static files which you might want to distribute with your app. For example, images and stylesheets.

Start the editor

You can use the command streamsync edit.

streamsync edit [path]

# Edit the application in subfolder "testapp"
streamsync edit testapp

This command will provide you with a local URL which you can use to access Builder.

It's not recommended to expose Streamsync Builder to the Internet.

If you need to access Builder remotely, we recommend setting up a SSH tunnel. By default, requests from non-local origins are rejected, as a security measure to protect against drive-by attacks. If you need to disable this protection, use the flag --enable-remote-edit.

Run an app

When your app is ready, execute the run command, which will allow others to run, but not edit, your Streamsync app.

streamsync run my_app

You can specify a port and host. Specifying --host enables you to share your application in your local network.

streamsync run my_app --port 5000 --host

Run as a module

If you need to run Streamsync as a module, you can use the streamsync.command_line module.

python -m streamsync.command_line run my_app